Dan Pollock is the Regional Director for External & Legislative Affairs for AT&T in Central Florida. A Florida native, Pollock is in his 25th year working in Florida politics. He began volunteering on local-level campaigns, moved up to run legislative campaigns and served as a legislative aide in the Florida Senate before moving into lobbying and campaign consulting. A few years after being an Association Director in Tallahassee, Pollock hung out his shingle as a contract lobbyist and represented a wide array of interests including; builders and developers, pharmaceuticals, gambling interests, liquor stores, telecommunications, and rounding it out with the American Heart Association and non-profit education work. As a long-time contract lobbyist for AT&T, Pollock was approached by the company in 2016 to come in-house for his current position in Orlando.
Pollock lives in and is a huge fan of Downtown Orlando where he can be found riding the Lymmo bus to City Hall or OCSC games. He sits on the Boards of the Orlando Economic Partnership (pending final vote), the Seminole Regional Chamber of Commerce Board’s Executive Committee, Melbourne Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast, as well as Political Committees for BusinessForce and West Orange Political Alliance. In Central Florida, Pollock has been active with Big Brothers Big Sisters (as a Big to Isaac) and he currently is part of Valencia’s Promise—Take Stock in Children (as a mentor to D’Jordan).